Friday, May 18, 2007

Fatal Blog Paradox

I don't blog much anymore because I have no life.
If I have no life, why don't I have time to blog?

I completed my 23rd revolution around the sun today, and it was just like yesterday. The warden of my institution, the duty warden and the major wished me a happy birthday and I got a 96 on my First Aid test. I'm actually pissed off about the test, because we were all spoon fed the information and I did the test as quickly as I could so that I could finish before a friend of mine. In doing so, I made 3 simple/stupid mistakes and scored lower than many of the class retards. Ironically, the person I was racing got the same score. That shows us, I guess.

I honestly think I work with idiots. I miss working on shift where I at least could out perform half of my coworkers on a daily basis. Now, I have to wait until test time and we get so much Cliff's Notes review that everyone gets somewhere in the 90s. I got a 96 and it made me look dumb.

I'd better still be the top academic.

When I am a Captain, the world will pay. Or at least the people I work with.

My mother got engaged to the boyfriend that called me a cunt. I wonder if he'll make good on his threat to make sure I am never involved in another family event ever again. Since they are now engaged, my mother will again be M.IA. for my birthday. I don't *really* care, but it annoys me. I'm not happy they're engaged. Irritated at worst, soulless apathy at best.

I am going kayaking tomorrow at the Myakka River State Park. Hopefully Brittany will enjoy it. When I go visit Maine I am kayaking the Saco River again. If you have the means and enjoy kayaking, I highly suggest the trip. It's beautiful.

Time for my birthday TV dinner from Boston Market. Wee.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Updates and stuff

Much has happened in the last several months since I have updated this blog. I started a LiveJournal to attempt to reconnect with old friends. Actually, it's just there in case of any major updates they feel like telling me, and since it's been about 3 years since any of them have spoken to me, I doubt I'll be rekindling my nostalgic youth anytime soon. I still have a MySpace which serves as my music search database.

I live in a new house that isn't actually mine and will be moving AGAIN in January. I hate moving.

There's a new 2 pound terror running around the house named Athena.

And I bought one of those Zune MP3 players. Very sweet.

I also work for the Department of Corrections, now, so I might actually have something interesting to blog about in the future.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I title this "Downtime" as though I were a very busy person who finally has some time to spare tp update her blog.

It's not true, I have lots of time.....just very little enthusiasm.

Perhaps if I updated more often, Blogger wouldn't forget who I am even though I log in and request that they remember me for the next time I visit. Well, in order for me to update more I'd have to have something interesting to tell people about, which I don't.

I would like to know how poorly I am using commas to mark pauses in my thoughts as I type them. We all know Written English is different than Spoken English. I'm also not saying this out loud as I type, so I guess it's Pondered English. Anyway, my grammar sucks, but at least I haven't spelled half of the words wrong in this post. (I didn't even use spell check!)

I need something interesting to happen. Fuck, why does the war need to be in Iraq? If it were in South Dakota, I could at least send frenzied messages about my fear of the fighting coming down to Florida. That Pulitzer stuff there. Throw in a picture of rednecks covered in napalm and I have myself a TIME cover.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I sucessfully completed my 22nd revolution around Earth's sun ten days ago. I would have told everyone about it, except I have been having issues with my cable internet since a few days before that 365th fateful rotation. I'm no computer genius, even though all the colors you see here are the work of my mad html skillz, but I know that when the lights on my Motorola Surfboard (hang ten!) Modem blink, it means something is fucked.

"Fucked" being the scientific term for "friggen broken".

I called Comcast, because they own all the wires in the area which prevent me from getting Roadrunner, and asked them to help me. After a few diagnostic tests, which included unplugging my modem, turning off my computer, and telling me my modem isn't working, they scehduled a truck to stop by and fix my internet.

Meanwhile, I have a level 37 Stalker who needs to get to 40 before Issue 7 comes out on city of Heroes/Villains so I can see all the new content. I also have a level 37 Defender to get to 50 sometime this year, because it's taken me a year so far.....

Anyway, while pondering all the EXTREMELY IMPORTANT STUFF that I was unable to do because of my broken interweb, Comcast called me back and told me the problem was fixed and that I should not have any more problems. For three days, things were good. Edik and Psychosus are halfway to 38. Online banking has resumed.

It broke again. I had to call them three times to get a guy out here to fix it, because the first two times, the guy came to the door and left a note saying no one was home. The first time, the guy came at 5:30pm when he was supposed to be here between 12 and 5, and the second time, I was sitting at home waiting and he left without knocking. FUCKER.

Now that it's fixed, you can throw me a birthday party and send me stuff. I need stuff!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Agnosticism's Irritation

"Faggot" is defined by as "1. A bundle of twigs, sticks, or branches bound together, 2. A bundle of pieces of iron or steel to be welded or hammered into bars. "

This word was morphed into a slang term for a homosexual man. Faggot's most common use as a word is to insult gay men, despite the origin of the word meaning a bundle of rod-like things. What does this have to do with agnosticism, you ask? Plenty. The word agnostic was invented by T.H. Huxley and he defined it as "someone who disclaimed both ("strong") atheism and theism, and who believed that the question of whether a higher power existed was unsolved and insoluble." ( Since Huxley coined the term, it's difficult to argue with his given definition....but I am arguing it.

Most agnostics piss me off, because they think they hold a nice, rational middle ground where they do not make any extreme claim for or against god/s. Many feel they are intellectually superior since they recognize that actually knowing if there is a deity of some kind is difficult, or impossible to discover, and that there may or may not be a god. This neuralistic position really irritates me. Here's why:

Gnosticism is a term for people who have knowledge of a supernatural power. Note the definition of gnostic and agnostic involves "knowledge".

Theism is a term for having a belief in a supernatural power, namely a diety. Note that atheism is the lack of belief in that power (the prefix a- meaning "without", so "without theism").

Now, I argue that, despite the popular consensus that agnosticism is in between atheism and theism and that the three terms are mutually exclusive, that agnosticism is in a different category when describing belief in a diety; a/gnosticism is not about belief, but knowledge.

A theist can believe in God, yet not know if God really exists. Agnostic Theist.
An atheist can lacks a belief in God and not know if a god exists. Agnostic Atheist.
An atheist who lacks a belief in God and claims to know no god exists, Gnostic Atheist.
A theist who both believes in God and claims to know God exists, Gnostic Theist.

The default position regarding deities is agnostic atheism. You neither know nor believe. When introduced with the concept of deities (or other supernatural beings), you automatically pick a side regarding belief or disbelief. If someone presents to you a biblical God story and you're not sure if you believe it, you're an atheist. There's no nice, cushy middle ground to avoid a title. Atheism is not a belief that agnostics feel they are above, and agnostics are not avoiding the stigma of nonbelief by saying they aren't sure. They've invented what they feel is a safezone between two extremes, and will avoid an extremist title at any cost, often utilizing the same fallacious arguments findamentalists do, making them seem silly.

Atheism is not an extreme view. Agnostics like to think that because atheists have arrived at a conclusion, that they are closeminded to any contrary evidence (and even as closeminded as theists!). This simply isn't true. If anything, atheists have accpeted the lack of evidence as lack of evidence for God and nothing more. It appears that many agnostics cannot grasp this, and see it as atheists claiming that this lack of evidence absolutely proves there is no God. While some atheists do claim this, the agnostic titles should apply, and not the agnostic psuedo-category.

Sorry to dissapoint, but you're one or the other.


Saturday, April 29, 2006


No work today, or tomorrow. Well, it's technically Sunday right now, so I'll just say I had the weekend off. That's not likely to happen again for a good, long while.


That is all.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

In the Pet Bizz..

I learned a lot about pet food and what companies like to tell people about their pet food. Based on this, I have an easy to follow guideline on how to pick a food for your animal (focusing mainly on dogs and cats).

Rule #1
Read a friggen book about your breed. It's good to know what the hell kind of animal you have before you start shoveling things down its throat. Books are a handy thing to have around in case you forget if Spot is prone to a sensitive stomach, allergies, etc.

Do NOT buy your food from a grocery store. While a $10 bag of dog food might look too good to pass up when compared to a typical $20-$30 bag of 'premium' food, try to remember why you don't live on Ramen Noodles despite them being 20 cents a pack; they're not very good for you. Your steak isn't $1.99 per pound for nothing, you know. Quality meat costs money, and that's why most dog and cat foods in a pet store cost so much.

Rule #3
Ask your vet. They went to school for a reason.

The reason for this little guideline is because I was searching through some messageboards and found myself reading about vegans and their pets. Honestly, I don't think vegans should HAVE pets, since they're most likely to be PeTA freaks, and owning a pet would violate their faith or something. Anyway, vegans often try to feed their dogs vegan diets.

Lentils and tofu for all!

(What the fuck is a lentil, again?)